Rag - expect men to order the dick they wished they had and not the one they actually have..... I can also see these toys being marriage savers. When a partner is too tired for nookie they can just hand over a copy of their private parts and sleep in peace..... Question - How do the print company get the dimensions of a lady's private parts?
Other forward thinking companies are planning for the time when we all have 3D printers in our homes. They will host free-to-download, user-generated 3D designs for adult toys to be printed at home, including the site's most popular item, Justin Bieber's head.
Rag - WTF am I going to do with that? Thing is, this technology has endless applications and as always the sex industry is at the cutting edge. p.s. I'm trying to negotiate the 3D sex toy printing rights for Saudi Arabia........
Read the full article on personalised sex toys at Cool Hunting
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