Monday 18 July 2011

When is a sale not a sale - The Outlet Mall

I was shopping in the Outlet Mall today and there were boards all over the place advertising a sale with 30% to 70% discounts. I looked at Dr. Martens shoes and then went to the next shop selling a German brand I think. Seibling or something like that. Anyway, a pair took my fancy and I asked how much. "The price is on the shoes", came the reply. "What about the 30% discount", asked I. "Already deducted" came the reply. "Don't believe you" says I and exited stage left. Why? Well I don't believe they go through all their display items and reprice them for the sale. Means they'd have to repeat the process after the sale to put them back to full price. Goods are normally displayed with the full price and the discount calcualted when you buy them. If I'm right then the sale ads for 30% to 70% discount in some of the shops in theOutlet Mall are for show only. Beware.

Yes, I'm aware you sometimes get additional sale price tags on sale items but that wasn't the case today. One tag, no mention of sales price. 

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