After much confab in Thai between RR's 'live in ATM abuser', (AA), and the engineers it was explained to RR that the only way for him to get back his deposit was to let them take the equipment and submit papers to that affect to TrueVisions and then Truevisions would refund the deposit directly to his account.
RR explained to AA that there was a good chance he wouldn't get the Bt2,000 once the equipment was gone as Truevisions know that nobody will take them to court for non payment of Bt2,000/-. Regardless, AA handed over the equipment to the Truevisions engineers.
Now the sting.

No wall mount bracket for dish.
When RR asked AA why they hadn't taken the TrueVisions bracket off the wall she explained that the engineer had said it was too old...... Arghhhhhhhhhh TOO OLD, of course it's old, it's been on the effing wall for years. FFS.
So now RR's papers will be submitted to Truevisions with the magical 'no bracket' comment which will be all the excuse they need not to refund his deposit..... arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
There's not really a moral to the story but when Truevisions engineers turn up at your door, don't hand over the decoder until they've taken down the dish bracket. Also, make sure there's no pen written comments on your receipt.