If you're still sid-solo when the Honey Pot starts filling up with customers around 9.30pm stroll back up to Second Road, turn right and head down to the Atlantic Bar. I could dedicate a full blog to the Atlantic Bar which has been for many years, the leading off strip bar in Pattaya. It has a stable of fine fillies, two pool tables, two large screen projectors to provide first class coverage of football and F1 (with commentary) and was one of the first bars in the Pattaya area to employ Service Only Girls to ensure the bar is staffed by lovelies at all times. I could even dedicate a full blog to the Service Only Girls (Sogs) in the Atlantic but that's for another day. To a lucky, (and discrete), few it has proven a misnomer and to a number of Sogs it has been a path to fat wallets. Some punters complain that the Atlantic girls are 'stand-offish' but surely a bit of a chase makes the conquest all the more enjoyable. If you just want to 'park it', go to Soi 6.........
When you've had enough of the Atlantic head back out on to Second Road, turn right and walk down to the U Too Bar (opposite the Alcazar car park). U Too Bar is a relative newcomer on the block but has already built up a healthy following amongst residents and tourists. Plenty of pretty girls, four pool tables, big screen projector for sports, (with commentary) and yes, Sogs.
If you visit these three bars you will have seen some of the prettiest girls off the Walking Street. You will have also met a few that haven't yet developed the professional approach of Walking Street girls.
The Atlantic Bar and U Too Bar are also good late night venues when other bars are closing down. Honey Pot closes at 3.00am.
If you are still a sid-solo sad bastard after these three bars then you only have one option left. Walk back out on to Second Road, turn right and head down to Soi 6. If you can't bag in Soi 6 your name must be Gollum. No hold that thought, even Gollum could get laid in Soi 6. Closing time is currently 1.00am sharp.
Note: Photos to follow.............

Sierra Tangos - 24 July 2007
- Another Use For WD40 - Don't try this at home
- Amazing Phuket Holiday Deals - Via Asian Sweetheart
- Aum Braless - FHM's Sexiest Thai lady (see hotlink to gallery)
- Computer link for Immigration & Police to track foreigners
- Most people I know would say too long !!!!!!
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