Oh no. Can't believe it. According to the bastion of British journalism, The Sun, Bird had tax problems because he splashed his cash on a bar girl in Pattaya.
Psycho cabbie Derrick Bird played the proudly smiling dad at his son's wedding - as he hid a violent obsession with a Thai prostitute less than half his age. Dad-of-two Bird, who shot 12 people dead and wounded 11 in Wednesday's Cumbria gun rampage, is feared to have flipped over money worries - fuelled by the cost of his lust for the pretty hooker.

Chris Bulmer, 45, owned one of his favourite haunts at Pattaya Beach - Spicy Girls A Go-Go. He told how Bird became besotted with one of the girls - and simmered with rage if he was unable to bed her. "We heard he was sending things to her from the UK. It was something I always warned my customers about. These are working girls and they are not interested in relationships. He would get very angry if he couldn't see his girl."
Ed. The story now appears to be why he had money problems not what he did. Sure motive is an issue but typical of The Sun to go for the sleaze factor. Poor old Pattaya, in the press again for all the wrong reasons.
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