There's one thing living here that really bugs me. Not to the extent that farangs walking round shopping malls with no shirt on bugs me but still an issue that bugs me enough to blog about it.
Now I'm no expert on this but aren't relationships between bar girls and farangs based on 'provides'. She provides the looks and he provides for her needs - money, food, clothes, accommodation, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, mother(s), father(s), buffaloes, etc, etc. The guy is not required to provide 'looks' or even a personality but a little of either would help grease the wheels.
So if this is the recognised format for success why is it I am seeing more and more guys, some young, with bag jobs. It defies logic, common sense, Newton's Laws and any other laws I can't think of right now. What possesses the men in these relationships? Is it a meeting of the minds? Maybe the lady has money. I have to say it's an issue that's really u nbalancing my world.
If your friends are making derogatory comments about your 'tilac' - maybe talking about her and buffaloes in the same sentence, then could you please e-mail me to let me know what the attraction is. I really do need to know.
I also know this post could be considered shallow, cause it is, and I know many think beauty is only skin deep. Even so, don't respond to my efforts with an abusive e-mail. Instead, just get on the next plane back to your home country and go-go dancing with a 'blue rinse' or two. Bon voyage, mo-fo. Leave the lookers to those of us who know the 'score'.
Note: This is about bar girl/farang relationships and has absolutely nothing to do with farangs dating 'good' Thai girls. That's a whole different ball game........ There, farangs often have to provide looks and personality too.......
Posted via email from Pattaya Post