As mentioned in a Friday's post, I had a wander round the photographers and flower ladies of Walking Street last week and I found the time to sit at a street side bar to watch the world go by. Well, I was with my other half so the alternative was wandering indoors and having a lovely run up and throw her arms round me. If that happened, Santa would not be coming down my chimney but my brother-in-law and a few of his pals might. In the time it took me to down one beer, three tour groups of Taiwanese negotiated their neck bending way down the Street but not a Baht was spent that I could see. The Street was busy but Western bar hopping punters were clearly in the minority.
This was confirmed in the bars where more staff were on display than I've seen for sometime. Score one for the residents. Yahoooooo. Well, I suppose that should read residents with no financial interest in the bars, other than borrowing their staff now and again. Yahooooooo.
The busiest bar of the night without doubt was What's Up, Soi 15. Great buzz, great fun, no seats. We had to stand at the back by the changing rooms but it gave me a good vantage point for the Jacuzzi. Who ever thought up the gymnast's rings over the Jacuzzi deserves a medal. Brilliant. Think Olga Korbut without the leotard......
The bar with the most staff had to be Peppermint. They have an unbelievable number and although there's no No. 87 there are more than enough to keep you warm on a cold winter's night. I think you get my drift but it's hard not to wax lyrically when you get confronted by an unlimited number of happy smiling faces. A couple of girls in the cage are top drawer but getting a seat in that area is nigh on impossible.
The bar with the friendliest, touchy feelie staff had to be Baby Dolls, Soi 15. I can only report this as a distant, hugely disappointed observer but this is the bar where no holds are barred, none, nada, diddly squat. If, that's your thing, Baby Dolls is the bar for you.
This is always a subjective one but for me the bar with the best lookers is still Happy Go Go. How easy it is to get involved with said lookers I don't know. My lead's getting awfully short these days so I suspect I'm never going to be able to answer this important question.
The bar with the biggest improvement since my last visit was Club Boesche. I'd posted in Pattaya Rag some weeks ago that I'd called in Club Boesche early in the evening and everything had been pretty ordinary. I went in late evening this time and it was buzzing. Totally, different bar to my previous visit. The girls were plentiful and plentiful up top too, and dancing with enthusiasm. I guess timing is everything on the Pattaya bar scene.
The new development of the night had to be King's Cafe next to Hammer. The question is what was there before? I can't remember.
We had a look in the new Russian bar, Ocean 10 and I was surprised that it didn't open out like Lucifers inside. It's a long, narrow bar with a good Pinoy band but customers were in short supply. There again, it was probably too early for FL action.
The bar with fewest customers had to be Gothic. In fact we were the only customers so they will have to come up with more than a Middle Aged theme to attract more middle aged punters. The runes are not good.
Sierra Tangos
- An interesting article on Thailand's next premier, Samak Sundaravej can be found at Time. Hard to believe a man with his track record can still be popular. He's obviously a consummate politician.
- People Power party (PPP) leader Samak Sundaravej announced on Sunday night he is ready to become Thailand's new prime minister.
- Christmas Eve parties Monday night at TQ2, Blues Factory and Secrets
"I will be the next premier for sure," he said.
His announcement came after unofficial result showed that his party has won about 230 seats out of 480 total. About 70 per cent of votes have been counted when he spoke.
"It is a victory of people of Thailand," he told reporters.
Mr Samak, a strong supporter of ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra, thanked his supporters and invited other political parties to help PPP to solve national problems. He also said Mr Thaksin called to congratulate him already, adding that the deposed premier said he is ready to return to fight criminal charges after a new government is formed. [via Bangkok Post]
- Channel 4's My Boyfriend The Sex Tourist Part 1 is on Youtube
- A thread on Pattaya Secrets forum is claiming bars will only open from 6.00pm to either 1.00am or 2.00am from Jan 2008. Maybe this is a cunning plot to solve the traffic problems on the Beach Road. No fecker will be here.
- Khun Thaksin is coming home on Valentine's Day at the latest. Hope he can get his money back so he can buy a car.
- I can't help thinking ESPN's Friday night Football Forecast program, a.k.a. Don't forget to phone your bookie" has taken a turn for the worse. It's gone from previewing the weekends games to shouting the bookie's odds for the same games. Sure the program will appeal to a massive market of gambling mad Asians but is that sufficient justification in itself for the focus of the program. The program could well be encouraging viewers to punt money they can't afford to lose.
On top of that, you have John Dykes and his panel bemoaning the fact that Asian gambling syndicates have the financia
clout to influence officials or arrange power failures when games aren't going their way. Yet it is the very same syndicates that profit indirectly, after ESPN and possibly Profitable Plots (PP), from the program. As a side note, I wonder how PP have been affected by the sub prime crisis in the States. I guess Robbo, Macca and Reevo's other half got theirs for free for doing the promotion so alls well for them no doubt. It will be the people they've encouraged to invest in PP that may well have got burnt. I suppose when there's 'brass' to be made, conscience is in short supply and that certainly seems to be the case here with ESPN and the boys....
- Zoo's 200th Issue with 200 hottest women
- Michelle Marsh 2008 Calendar
- 15 Great Media Managers To Organize Your Photo Albums & Carry Out Basic Editing [via Techlicious]
- Christmas Quotes
- The Christmas season has come to mean the period when the public plays Santa Claus to the merchants - John Andrew Holmes
- The one thing women don't want to find in their stockings on Christmas morning is their husband - Joan Rivers
- Mail your packages early so the post office can lose them in time for Christmas - Johnny Carson
- I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six. Mother took me to see him in a department store and he asked for my autograph - Shirley Temple
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