I had full intentions of writing a review of Club Blu's soft opening for the intro but somewhere along the way I had one beer too many. I'm bolloxed. That last word looks like 3 L's and 4 X's. This is really, really difficult. Thank goodness I had the presence of mind to write my Sierra Tangos before I went out.
I'll try and make up for it with tomorrow's post. Apologies but if you've spent any time here you'll fully understand my predicament. I've seen some fanny though!!!!!!!
Sierra Tangos
- Quiz Answers:
Q1 Robert Palmer: Addicted To Love (Might as well face it, you're addicted to love).
Q2 R.E.M.: Losing My Religion (That's me in the corner, That's me in the spotlight)
Q3 Adam and the Ants: Stand And Deliver (Stand and deliver, your money or your life...)
Q4 Deep Purple: Smoke On The Water (Smoke on the water, fire in the sky)
Q5 John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John: You're The One That I Want (I've got chills, they're multiplying, And I'm losing control)
Q6 The form of entertainment literally meaning ‘empty orchestra’ is Karaoke
Q7 The famous Berlin, East to West border point (1961-1989) was Checkpoint Charlie
Q8 What do Hercules and Mr. Ed have in common? Both horses
Q9. Which is the first animal listed in the Oxford English Dictionary? Aardvark
Q10 What in the medical world was first classified into the A.O.B. system in 1902? Blood groups
Q11 What guerilla fighter had a biscuit named after him? Garibaldi
Q12 What are the first names of the twin girls in Bart`s class in The Simpsons? Sherri and Teri
Q13 What was the name of Yuri Gagarin`s space ship? Vostok 1
Q14 In which Clint Eastwood film was the catchphrase `Go ahead, make my day` first used? Sudden Impact
Q15 Which character has been played by Robert Donat, Kenneth More and Robert Powell in three versions of a British movie? Richard Hannay (in The 39 Steps)
Q16 Which well known brand`s secret ingredient is codenamed x7? Coca-cola`s
Q17 Which 5 American Football teams in the NFL use a bird for their name? Philadelphia Eagles, Baltimore Ravens, Seattle Seahawks, Arizona Cardinals and Atlanta Falcons
Q18 What is the collective term for a group of raccoons? A nursery
Q19 Written by Alfred, Lord Tennyson, which poem starts with the line `On either side of the river lie`? The Lady of Shalott
Q20 What song title is in the photo? Moon River
and the winner of the free barf with 20 correct answers is Red John from Middle England.
- Misty's Go Go, Soi Pattayaland 2, will close in 8 weeks time after 12 years in operation. The good news is it is relocating to Soi 15, Walking Street, opposite Angelwitch.
- The nation wide smoking ban in bars and restaurants is scheduled to start on Feb 17 but Pattaya City News is reporting that it will start in Pattaya on Feb 11. Enjoy while you can.

- Find dead and duplicate bookmarks in IE, Firefox, Opera
AM-DeadLink, while lacking a creative name, does serve a creative purpose. The program will scan through your bookmarks: Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Opera; and locate all the dead links that have taken up unwelcome residence.
The program detects dead links and duplicates in browser bookmarks. If a bookmark has become unavailable, or if you find a duplicate, you can verify it in the program's internal browser and delete the bookmark permanently.
The program itself is easy to operate, with simple toolbar buttons and drop-down menus to select the browser you wish to clean up. AM-DeadLink can also scan .CSV files and tab-delimited text files for dead links. If your bookmarks are lacking favicons, AM-DeadLink can import them into your bookmarks, with the option to pass over or overwrite all existing favicons. [via Download Squad]
- 4 Tools to Backup your Mobile Phone
It’s time to introduce some services to backup your mobile phone, i.e. contacts list, calendar entries, text messages, browser bookmarks, phone settings, notes etc. As usual, all listed services are free or come with a decent free account option.
(1) Mobical - Simple and straightforward over-the-air mobile backup and restore service to automatically backup mobile address book, calendar, settings, bookmarks and notes online. Mobical supports pretty much all modern handsets and can be accessed from any web-enabled device. You can edit contacts, add appointments, and save notes online and it will sync added changes with your handset. Similarly, all on-phone edits will be synced with the web copy. Simple and convenient.
More details @ Mobical: Backup Mobile Contacts and Calendar
(2) Bloove - Online mobile contact manager and backup tool. Edit address book contacts, add speed dial settings, make calls, and send SMS messages rite from your browser. Any changes made on the web are automatically synchronized with your mobile and vice versa. Supports only Nokia and Sony Ericsson phones. It’s also quite low on data usage and consumes only about 20 Kbytes per hour in idle mode.
More details @ Bloove: Contact Manager for Your Mobile
(3) ZYB - ZYB provides an easy way to backup and synchronize your mobile phone’s contacts, pictures, text messages and calendar events online. Unlike the above two, ZYB is a mobile networking platform that allows you to connect with friends, share pictures, exchange free messages, and follow-up on updates rite from mobile.
More details @ ZYB : BackUp Your Mobile Online
(4) Anywr - Anywr is a web-based contact manager and calendar that offers free contacts and calendar backup functionality. Plus you can use to import contacts from your Yahoo Mail, Hotmail, and Gmail accounts and sync them with your phone’s address book. For fulll feature list check out Anywr review on MUO directory.
[via MakeUseOf]
- Britney showing her lip grips, yawn, yawn, yawn..... When isn't she showing something. She works the paparazzi better than any celeb out there.
- Jennifer Ellison in lingerie for March Loaded Mag
- Because Dave works hard at the plant and spends most evenings bowling or playing basketball at the gym, his wife thinks he is pushing himself too hard, so for his birthday she takes him to a local strip club.
The doorman at the club greets them and says, ''Hey, Dave! How ya doin?'' His wife is puzzled and asks if he's been to this club before. ''Oh no,'' says Dave. ''He's on my bowling team.''
When they are seated, a waitress asks Dave if he'd like his usual Budweiser. His wife is becoming uncomfortable and says, ''You must come here a lot for that woman to know you drink Budweiser.'' ''No, honey, she's in the Ladies Bowling League. We share lanes with them.'' A stripper comes over to their table and throws her arms around Dave. ''Hi, Davey,'' she says, ''Want your usual table dance?''
Dave's wife, now furious, grabs her purse and storms out of the club. Dave follows and spots her getting into a cab. Before she can slam the door, he jumps in beside her and she starts screaming at him.
The cabby turns his head and says, ''Looks like you picked up a real doozie this time, Dave!''
- Adam & Eve in the Muslim world
- Amazingly, these are real life cases [via Connected Internet]:
In 2005, a Brazilian woman sued her partner for failing to give her orgasms. The 31-year old woman from Jundiai asserted in her case that her 38-year old partner routinely ended sexual intercourse after he reached an orgasm. After a promising start the action ended in something of an anticlimax for the claimant when her case was rejected.
In 2004, Frank D’Alessandro, a court official in New York, sued the city for serious injuries that he sustained when a toilet he was sitting on exploded leaving him in a pile of porcelain. He claimed $5 million compensation. Reflecting on the demanding physical therapy in which he must now engage every morning before work, D’Alessandro declared: “It’s a pain in the ass to do all this stuff.”
In May, 2004 in Connecticut, Heather Specyalski was charged with the homicide of Neil Esposito. He was thrown from a car that prosecutors said was being driven by Specyalski when it spun out of control and crashed. The defendant argued that she couldn’t have been driving because she was in the passenger seat performing oral sex on Esposito, whom she alleged was at the wheel. Esposito was found with his trousers down but prosecutors argue this could have been because he was “mooning” or urinating out of the car window while in the passenger seat. The jury acquitted Specyalski of manslaughter, sparing her a possible 25-year prison sentence.
In 1980, Lord Justice Ormrod, Lord Justice Dunn and Mr Justice Arnold ruled in the UK’s Court of Appeal that a wife from Basingstoke who rationed sex with her husband to once a week was behaving reasonably. Lord Hailsham later revealed that the ruling had provoked some newspapers to try to interview the wives of all the judges in the case.
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