The local press are reporting a 'scandal' at the recent Buffalo Races out at Maprachan Lake. Apparently, one rider was using an electrically charged whip to incite his beast to greater effort. This shows true initiative in my book and hardly classifies as a 'scandal'. I mean, Bill and Monica was a scandal, touching a ton of beef on the hoof with a couple of A4's won't even get the attention of the local RSPCA never mind the buffalo.
I contacted a pal with experience of these things. He'd been in the former Eden Club with a couple of cuties when one cutie inserted a vibrator in his back door just as he was about to make a deposit. I asked if it made him want to run faster. He said it was more of an "Oooo aghhhhhh" moment than a "let me get the feck out of here" moment. So there you have it. The animal was only being stimulted and not incited. Scandal indeed.
p.s. My pal, the local expert in all things animal, is from Hull. Need I say more.....
You can read the full story at Pattaya Daily News.
Posted via email from Pattaya Post
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