I don't understand what all the fuss is about. Somebody cheated in sport, so what. Get over it.
I mean, the people we entrust to run the country (UK) are cheating on their expenses and no drama. No fine, no warning, no dismissals, no prison sentences. Where's the outrage over the fact that elected officials in the highest offices in the land are fiddling their expenses. Shamelessly so. It seems that they didn't understand the small print on what they could and couldn't claim for. These are the people running the country for feck sake.
Britain's where it is today because it's been sold out by politicians for at least the last 30 years. I reckon the easiest politicians to 'buy' are British ones. You don't know how much it hurts me to say that.
Now back to F1. Clearly Renault are 'too big to fail' or they'd have been kicked out of the sport. Their actions brought a sport already in disrepute into disrepute. How can race winners be de cided by the stewards after the race. The TV companies should stop televising the race and broadcast the stewards inquiry after the race. The big issue is not 'crashgate' but whether F1 remains a sport. It has less credibility than wrestling so I have my doubts. Apologies to wrestling fans.
Posted via email from Pattaya Post
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