The Pattaya Association representing bar owners and entertainment venues met with City Hall officials yesterday to discuss uncertainty over the new closing times. The association was advised in no uncertain terms that the closing time directive came from the Interior Ministry and as such, it would be strictly enforced not only in Pattaya but Kingdom wide.
Pattaya City hall officials did agree to feed back the association's concerns to the Chonburi governor and the Interior Ministry as it was felt that Pattaya could be a special case.
Ed. The last para is nothing more than a pacifier to ensure the City Hall officials got out of the meeting in one piece. There is no way Pattaya will be handled as a special case. Let's face it, who is out on the town after 2.00am? Is it family tourists, is it wealthy tourists out for an evening's fine dining, is it tourist groups, is it shoppers heading to expensive malls? No, it's mongers and working girls, it's booze and drugs and it's the very sector of the market the authorities want to get rid of. I reckon this clampdown is here to stay and it's more likely to get worse, not better. Brace yourselves, opening times slipped to 5.00pm could well be next.
- Miss Pattaya Go Go competition dates and venues
- Wet N' Wild Go Go - 9.30pm Sunday, March 23rd
- Oasis Go Go - 9.30pm Thursday, March 27th
- Champagne Go Go - 9.30pm Saturday March 29th
- Blue Lagoon Go Go - 9.30pm Tuesday, April 1st
- The Bangkok International Motor Show 2008, Bitec Hall, March 28 - April 6
- Gullivers, Walking Street opens tonight
- Neo Con's contempt for the American people?
From yesterday's 'Good Morning America' on ABC:
DICK CHENEY: On the security front, I think there’s a general consensus that we’ve made major progress, that the surge has worked. That’s been a major success.
MARTHA RADDATZ: Two-third of Americans say it’s not worth fighting.
RADDATZ So? You don’t care what the American people think?
CHENEY: No. I think you cannot be blown off course by the fluctuations in the public opinion polls.
But, as Amanda of Think Progress states:
Opposition to the war is not a “fluctuation” in public opinion. The American public has steadily turned against the war since the 2003 invasion. According to a new CNN poll, just 36 percent of the American public believes that “the situation in Iraq was worth going to war over — down from 68 percent in March 2003, when the war began.”
Even though he doesn’t care what the American public wants, Cheney still thinks he is able — and entitled — to speak for the American public. Last month, Cheney declared, “The American people will not support a policy of retreat.” If Cheney were actually listening to the “American people,” he would know that 61 percent actually supports the redeployment of U.S. troops.
Democracy? As I've said before on numerous occasions, it's the very LAST thing that the neo cons want. [via Neil Clarke]
- When ripping audio Cds, if the audio quality of the ripped track(s) is of prime importance to you then Exact Audio Copy (EAC) is the program for you. EAC is a so called audio grabber for audio CDs using standard CD and DVD-ROM drives. The main differences between EAC and most other audio grabbers are :
- It is free (for non-commercial purposes)
It works with a technology, which reads audio CDs almost perfectly. If there are any errors that can’t be corrected, it will tell you on which time position the (possible) distortion occurred, so you could easily control it with e.g. the media player

With other audio grabbers you usually need to listen to every grabbed wave because they only do jitter correction. Scratched CDs read on CD-ROM drives often produce distortions. But listening to every extracted audio track is a waste of time. Exact Audio Copy conquer these problems by making use of several technologies like multi-reading with verify and AccurateRip.
- Browse, annotate, and organize your image library with PhotoMesa, a “zoomable” image browser. PhotoMesa is a free tool for managing image libraries. Dubbed a "zoomable image browser", it employs an innovative method for browsing a large number of images by zooming in and out of folders in a sort of "bird’s eye view". It also offers the ability to browse image collections by folder, category, people, year, and month, and for adding searchable tags and captions stored within the image files themselves using the IPTC standard.
This program was apparently developed based on research that was done in the University of Maryland’s Human-Computer Interaction Lab, and the end result is a very intuitive way of browsing image libraries. What you will immediately notice when you first start using this program is its unique (and quite pleasing) way of scrolling through a large number of images in "zoom mode" Go to freewaregenius for full details of Photomesa.
The verdict: even if you already use Picasa or another image management software you might want to try this. This program (a) is original and innovative, (b) introduces a very cool and interesting way to browse image collections, (c) allows for tagging image files using people and category tags, (d) allows for adding captions to images (e) stores metadata information in the image file itself, and (f) is free.
- Katie Renae, Playboy babe
- A man walks into a bank, gets in line and when it's his turn he pulls a gun and robs the bank! Just to make sure he leaves no witnesses he turns around and asks the next customer in line, "Did you see me rob this bank"? The customer replies "yes", so the bank robber raises his gun, points it to the guys head and "bang", shoots him in the head and kills him. He quickly moves to the next customer in line and says to the man, "Did you see me rob this bank"? The man calmly responds, "No but my wife did"!
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