Bar-keeps have been invited to attend a meeting on Monday 10th March at Alcazar to get details of the new enforcement policies regarding places of entertainment and their closing times. Licenses requirements will also be covered.
It would appear that 2.00am is the target closing time but more will be known on Monday.
No post tomorrow, Mar 9. The next post will be late in the evening on March 10, Thai time.
Sierra Tangos
- Pattaya Secrets staff on an outing to Koh Chang. Photos by Duncan Stern and Pattaya Secrets. If you are a member of Pattaya Secrets you can find the full album of shots here.
- The Bangkok Blues Festival 2008 will once again showcase some of the best blues in Thailand and the region and will be welcoming back Kansas City Bluesman, Glenn Patrik as headliner. The festival promises to deliver 12 bands over 3 nights and with the bands lined up to attend these will be nights to remember!! The confirmed lineup is as below:
Thursday March 13
- Hoochie Coochie
- Ad Here Blues Band
- Blue on Blue
- The Blues Machine
Friday March 14
- The Fugitives
- Inside Out
- Boy Blues Band
- Glenn Patrik
Saturday March 15
- Doctor Blues
- Full House
- Serious Trouble
- Soi Dog Blues Band
Live Music starts at : 8.00pm nightly at Tokyo Joe's, Soi 26 Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok.
- If casinos win, we all lose - Editorial from the Bangkok Post
- How to Copy a DVD [Mac Tip] - Wired magazine's How-To Wiki covers the step-by-step for duplicating a video DVD using free and pay-for software. They recommend using Mac The Ripper to rip the DVD (sans copy protection) to your hard drive. (We also like Drive-in.) From there, you've got to purchase something like Roxio Popcorn or Toast to burn a DVD player-friendly copy; alternately, make it iPod/media centre-playable using the free, open source LH favourite, Handbrake. [via Lifehacker]
- Set a Blank Password in Windows XP To Protect the Computer from Internet Attacks - Your Windows XP computer is more safe if you don’t set any password at all than using some weak password like "abc123" which can be easily guessed by hackers.
Using a blank password (or no password at all) makes your computer more secure because Windows XP accounts, that are not protected by a password, cannot be accessed remotely over the network or the Internet.
You have to be physically in front of the computer in order to get in. Due to this default behaviour, it is better to leave a blank password assigned to an XP account rather than assigning a weak, easily guessed password.
An official guide from Microsoft on Password strength therefore suggests using blank passwords on Windows XP machines when the following criteria are met:
- You only have one computer or you have several computers but you do not need to access information on one computer from another one
- The computer is physically secure (you trust everyone who has physical access to the computer - like your family members)
The use of a blank password is not always a good idea particularly when the computer is not in a secure location. For example, a laptop computer that you take with you is probably not physically secure, so on those you should have a strong password.
Update: If you want to access your XP Professional computer over the network ever after the password is blank, run gpedit.msc in the Run box and disable the setting "Limit local account use of blank passwords to console login only" available under Local Policies. [via Digital Inspiration]
- Japanese AV Idol - Reina Matsushima
- WWE's Maria Kenellis Playboy pics
- Unibrow's Top 10 Female Full Frontal Nude Movie Scenes.
- A history teacher asks a class full of children, "What was Churchill famous for?" A kid at the back shouts out, "He was the last fucking white man to be called Winston!"
- The Archbishop of Canterbury has partially got his way, British weather has been declared Muslim. It's either Sunni or Shiite.
- In two words, brilliant

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