Sierra Tangos
- The Casino Club, Soi Diamond, has updated it's photo gallery with two new pages of photos of staff and party goers. A couple or three samples follow but the full gallery is here

- Musicovery - barkeeps and restaurant owners, you no longer need a music
collection. Musicovery allows you to select the genre(s), years and tempo you want with it's easy to follow controls and then plays a selection of tracks that fit the criteria you've set. I selected genres R&B and Soul, years 1964 - 72 and then played with the tempo plus/minus buttons to get the mood I wanted. The tracks it gave me were spot on. Just one catch. It throws up selections in batches of 12 tracks (approx.) so you have to click on the on screen remote (right) to play the next batch of 12 tracks. Question. Do you need a music license if you play music from the Internet?
- Virtual Sex Machine - Eric White believes the future of sex technology lies in a 16" red-and-black cylindrical device that he sells for $439.69 from his office in rural Pennsylvania. White's device is aimed at men and, to put it delicately, is designed to provide pleasure through an ingenious combination of a vacuum pump, a back-and-forth motor, and a stimulator at the business end that he says "adds a little extra zing." That's because his so-called Virtual Sex Machine comes with Windows software that controls the VSM through the PC's parallel data port. It can simulate different sorts of intimate activities by, as White puts it, "varying the vacuum." (In truth it's more configurable than that, but good taste forbids us from elaborating.) Eds Note: From the way my friends talk, 16" may not be enough. Roy, are you there......[via Crave]
- Congratulations to Matt Damon. His movie "The Bourne Ultimatum” — had the biggest movie opening ever in the month of August. It made $70 million. If you ha
ven’t seen it, it’s about a guy who works for the government but can’t remember his past. The original title was "The Alberto Gonzales Story.”
- Chinese Sick Leave - Hung Chow calls into work and says, "Boss I no come work today, I real sick. Got headache, stomach ache and legs hurt, I no come work." The boss says, "You know Hung Chow, I really need you today. When I feel like this I go to my wife and tell her give me sex. That makes everything better and I go work. You try that." Two hours later Hung Chow calls again. "Boss, I do what you say and I feelgreat. I be at work soon..... You got nice house."
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