The vote shows the country remains largely divided between Bangkok residents, who staged months of protests calling for deposed Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra to step down, and those in the poor, rural northeastern provinces where support for Thaksin runs high.
Thaksin was overthrown by the military in a bloodless coup last September. His opponents had accused the billionaire businessman of corruption and abuse of power, while his supporters said the coup was a move by the urban elite to restore influence lost to the rural majority under Thaksin. [via Huffington Post]
Unofficial results of the referendum yesterday show that there are 25,140,147 voters from 45,658,178 eligible voters or 54.80%. There are 58.34% of yes votes, 41.66% of no votes, and 1.97% of destroyed ballots.
The Election Commission chairman (EC) is backing an idea to hold the general election on December 16. The EC is now moving ahead full steam to get the pre-election process going with just three months left to encourage voters to go to the polls on election day. [via Bangkok Post]
It's clear from this weekends press reports that Thaksin intends to use Manchester City as a 'soapbox' to protest his innocence. One quote from his lawyer in the UK press claimed that there is no evidence of Thaksin's corruption. Another by Thaksin himself states that he will not return to defend himself until after a democratically elected government is in place, i.e. a government that can be influenced in his favour. One thing's for sure. There is no way UK extradition proceedings will be completed by December 2007.
If you are booking your holidays now for December 2007, then avoid December 15 if you can. If past elections are anything to go by then all bars will be closed on 15th December and may even be closed on 16th December 2007.
Sierra Tangos
- Saturday night is Country music night at Shooter's ...
- 5 injured in drunken road crash in North Pattaya - Yet another case of a red light being ignored. [via Pattaya City News]
- Pet camel kills woman 'trying to have sex'
An Australian woman was killed by a pet camel given to her as a 60th birthday present, police have said. Dromedary camels can be dangerous if treated as pets without discipline. The woman, whose name was not released, was killed at her family’s sheep and cattle ranch near Mitchell, 350 miles west of the Queensland state capital Brisbane, Detective Senior Constable Craig Gregory said.
The 10-month-old male camel — weighing about 330 lbs — knocked the woman to the ground, lay on top of her, then exhibited what police suspect was mating behaviour, Mr Gregory said. “I’d say it’s probably been playing, or it may be even a sexual sort of thing,” he said, adding the camel had almost suffocated the family’s pet goat by straddling it. You can't make this stuff up. [via]

Snapsoid Adult Section - Snapsoid is a network of photo community sites where everyone can upload their pictures and snapshots for the others to see. From what I can see, the world's gone mad. Search with keyword 'asian' to get more like this.....
- Bulk Remove Programs with Absolute Uninstaller
Absolute Uninstaller removes software from your computer much like the classic Windows Add/Remove programs, but it goes a step further. It will check to make sure that the uninstaller takes care of everything that was in the uninstall log, and Absolute Uninstaller will delete the things that are left behind.
Here are some of the things that Absolute Uninstaller can do:
- Detects and removes leftover files from the uninstaller
- Remove programs in bulk by checking the box next to multiple items. Unfortunately it will still require input from you so you can’t walk away.
- One-click removal of any entry
- Points out which applications were recently installed
- Show installed applications by name or by install date
And yes, this is completely free. In fact this is the first version of Absolute Uninstaller that doesn’t cost a dime. Previously you had to pay $29.95 to get this program, but now you only have to pay if you want to get their entire suite of utilities. [via CyberNet News]
- The American prison authorities are concerned about the growing drug problem in their prisons and realise the growing drug problem on the streets means more people with drug problems are being sentenced for drug related crimes and so the problem continues to grow in the prisons. They decide to come up with a plan to fight drugs on the streets to reduce the number of druggies coming into the prison system. They get all these top specialists together to come up with a plan and they decide to use prison inmates who have kicked drugs to go out on to the streets to get addicts off drugs. The incentive for the inmates is parole if they are successful. The specialists prepare videos, pamphlets etc for the inmates to use and send them to a pilot prison. The prison governor being no mug realises that he will be out of work if the plan is too successful so he destroys the videos/pamphlets.
Three inmates who have kicked drugs are selected and told they will be given 1 week to try get people of drugs and if they succeed they will get parole. When they ask for tools to help the governor gives each of them a piece of paper with 2 circles drawn on it, one large circle and one small circle and tells the 3 cons to use their initiative. 1 week later the 3 cons return and are marched in to the governor 1 by 1 to report on their success/failure.
The first con enters and reports to the governor that he got 10 people off drugs in 1 week. When asked how he says, “I showed them the paper with the circles and I pointed the big circle and said before drugs the circle of my friends was this size and then I pointed to the small circle and said after drugs my circle of friends was this size”. Very clever says the governor, you will be considered for parole.
The second con enters and reports to the governor that he got 100 people off drugs in 1 week. The governor is amazed and asks how. The con replies, “I showed them the paper with the circles and I pointed the big circle and said before drugs my brain was this size and then I pointed to the small circle and said after drugs my brain was this size”. Brilliant says the governor, you will definitely be considered for parole.
The third con enters and reports to the governor that he got 1,000,000 people off drugs in 1 week. The governor is stunned. 1,000,000, I can’t believe it. How? The con replies, “I showed them the paper with the circles and I pointed to the small circle and said, before I went to prison my arsehole was this size………….
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