Sierra Tangos
- Bali Hai Plaza Soft Opening - Pattaya City News is reporting the opening of this new mall at the Bali Hai end of the Walking Street. Well placed for all the tourists that are coached in to Bali Hai in the evenings to promenade the Walking Street.....
- Want to convert your old tape cassettes to MP3? The Koreans have a solution but at a price!!!!!
- BBC iPlayer - for viewing the last 7 days BBC TV programs over the internet for free has launched in beta but is by invitation only. You have to go here to register and wait for your invitation to join the party. It runs on Windows XP only and problems have b
een reported with picture quality and with PCs running Windows Media Player 11. You will also need a broadband connection to download the large DRM protected files. Either that or be very, very patient.... Other issues reported are security update warnings that won't allow you to press "update"; files that simply refuse to download; and an Internet Explorer error about a "slow running script" in the iPlayer library. If you are still interested in the BBC iPlayer then I suggest you register so you have the service but then wait for BBC iPlayer to come out of beta to avoid the teething problems detailed above. Warning. One site has reported that this service is for UK residents only who have paid their TV licenses but I can find no reference to this on any of the BBC iPlayer web pages
- Longevity Vs. Retirement Age - Any bus pass holder in Happy A-Go-Go could have told you this without the need for an expensive study...... A study h
as found that the pension funds in many large corporations (e.g., Boeing, Lockheed Martin, AT&T, Lucent Technologies, etc.) have been “Over Funded” because many “late retirees” who keep-on working into their old age and retire late after the age of 65 tend to die within two years after their retirements. In other words, many of these late retirees do not live long enough to collect all their fair shares of pension money.
The study found that for people who retired at the age of 50, their average life span is 86; whereas for people retired at the age of 65, their average life span is only 66.8. An important conclusion from this study is that for every year one works beyond age 55, one loses 2 years of life span on average. My important conclusion is if you are over 60 and still working, then you better keep going. Stopping is not an option........... Alternatively, if you want to retire, take your pension in a lump sum and leave it with me for safe keeping..... George, are you listening.......
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