Sierra Tangos
- The Winchester Club, Soi Wat Boon (soi next to Grand Jomtien Hotel), in Jomtien is under new management and drawing positive reviews for it's friendly and attractive staff who are more than willing to cater for your every need! The free Sunday Brunch, (1.00pm to 5.00pm), is proving particularly popular with residents. Note: The Winchester closes at 9.00pm
- Firefox Image Toolbar extension - When you move your mouse over an image, the toolbar automatically pops-up to give you the options to Save; Copy; Print the im
age. Click saver if you save lots of images from the net. The extension can be customized. For instance, if you never print images you could remove that option. You can also define a minimum image size, the delay before the menu is shown and choose to automatically save the image instead of showing the download image dialog
- Six Super Foods That Prevent Disease - Unfortunately it's Broccoli; Pumpkin; Blueberries; Spinach; Fish and Tomatoes. Why is it never chip butties; tripe; bacon butties; meat pies; Yorkshire pud and drippin' and bread? Why have I pos
ted it here? Well, you want to live as long as possible in the LOS don't you
- Russia is claiming that it now owns the North Pole. President Bush is furious and said, " That's ridiculous - everyone knows the North Pole is owned by Santa!"
- A redneck goes to a pharmacist and says, ” I've barfined No. 105 from Honey, an’ I need me some pertection. How much is a pack o’ dem rubbers gonna cost me?" The pharmacist responds, “A three-pack of condoms is Baht100 with tax.” The redneck replies, “TACKS! Gawd a’mighty,………..don’t they stay on by therself.”
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